Edmonton Dentist | Why You Should Visit A Dentist Regularly

We are often advised to visit a dentist on a regular basis by our loved ones. This is frequently perceived as a tedious task that we procrastinate about and are almost resentful of the hour it takes from our day. This is usually a function of dental phobia or a lack of understanding about the importance of oral health and its impact on our bodies as a whole. Financial concerns are real for some and can be addressed by having a frank conversation with your dentist and staff.  Sometimes, it’s a question of priorities where a hair or nail appointment or a sporting event takes precedence.   It’s a personal call but awareness of the outcome of continued  neglect should be known.  To give you a better idea, here are some reasons why you should visit a dentist regularly.

Cleaner Teeth

We are well aware of what constitutes a good dental routine; brushing, flossing, and using a mouthwash. Often people forget an important step – a dental checkup. Brushing  and flossing do keep your teeth clean, but plaque can be very tenacious and sticks regardless of your effort. The standard of care today is an exam with X-rays and a professional cleaning on a yearly basis and a mid year cleaning at the six month mark.  The hygienist should probe pocket depths and offer oral hygiene instruction  advising you of new information available and correcting bad habits in brushing and flossing technique.  

Early Diagnosis

Most of us clean our teeth in the morning and forget about them through the day. While teeth may look clean, there can be numerous problems that may go unnoticed. Tooth decay and bone damage can happen without your knowledge despite aherance to a daily routine.  Early detection is far less expensive than waiting for decay to progress to root canals and crowns or extractions and bridges or implants.  

Gum Disease Detection

Gum disease is a serious condition, diifficult for you to identify but obvious to dental professionals who record probing depths, bleeding on probing, bone loss, and tooth mobility.  We generally dismiss bleeding with flossing as normal.  Consider that if your fingernails bled, you would immediately seek medical intervention.  This is not the case with bleeding gums.  These are signs of gum diseases that need dental expert attention. Gum disease is progressive, starting with gingivitis that is characterized by red, puffy gums that bleed when flossed.  Periodontitis  is the advancement of this condition to include bone loss, tooth mobility, infection, odour and tooth loss. The bacteria present can have systemic consequences.  While gingivitis is reversible, periodontitis is not reversible and requires frequent and regular professional maintenance.  Regular dental visits and early detection and intervention makes more sense.  

Internal Diagnosis

Routine dental exams and cleanings provide baseline profiles that make early detection of irregularities easier and more reliable.  Oral cancers are on the rise and are only one of the conditions that a dentist can diagnose.  Seeing changes cues the dentist to take a different sort of x-ray or perhaps refer to an oral pathologist or surgeon.  Early detection can be key to a positive prognosis.  As with any disease, early detection is key.  

Dental emergencies happen but regular visits reduce the chance of acute occurrences.  So make sure you book an appointment with your trusted dentist, and establish the frequency best suited to your needs.